Taylor Bennett

Managing Principal

Taylor manages Wilshire Capital Partners, along with Scott Sorensen.  Taylor’s focus is on the strategic direction of the firm, capital relationships, financing, and legal.

Prior to Wilshire Capital Partners, Taylor was the Co-Chief Investment Officer for KK daVinci Advisors (“daVinci”), one of the largest real estate opportunity fund managers in Japan. As Co-CIO, Taylor was responsible for the management of daVinci’s acquisition and asset management departments. From its inception in 1998 through 2008, daVinci-sponsored real estate opportunity funds acquired 208 commercial and residential real estate investments.  These acquisitions represented a total investment of more than $11 billion.

Prior to daVinci, Taylor was a Senior Director with Sunterra Corporation, a Management Consultant with Ernst & Young, and an Officer in the United States Navy.

Taylor received a B.S. degree in Economics from the United States Naval Academy and his M.B.A. from the University of Southern California.

Contact Taylor
[email protected]

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